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Harbor Country Chocolate Classic

chocolate in Harbor Country offer a variety of chocolate inducements

Next date of this event TBD.

Venue / Location
Northern Michigan

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Cozy up with chocolate in Harbor Country as more than thirty Harbor Country Chamber of Commerce businesses offer a variety of chocolate inducements, the entire month of February.

The 3rd Annual Harbor Country Chocolate Classic includes ice-sculpting, sleigh rides and creative activities for all ages. Culinary venues will offer everything from chocolate-chip pancakes, hand-made truffles, and chocolate-covered bacon, to chocolate-enhanced wine and locally brewed specialty beer – with the key ingredient of chocolate of course! Chocolate Classic retailers entice shoppers with specials on chocolate-hued items including jewelry, glass, furniture and more. Visitors can also win special prizes by participating in various chocolate-themed guessing games!

Come enjoy the winter charms of the eight quaint towns of Harbor Country during Chocolate Classic. Make it a day trip, or stay over-night in Harbor Country’s wide range of accommodations offering something for everyone.

Weiss Acres Cottage Rentals

Weiss Acres Cottage Rentals

Our vacation homes back up to Boyne Mountain Resort, less than a mile away from the entrance to ski and golf resort. Two four bedroom homes, situated..  learn more

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