Two Step Dance Lessons
This fundamental course will be taught on Monday and Tuesday nights. The same dance lessons will be taught on both the night so that it will be easier to grasp the instructions. Ticket per head would be $7-$8.
Next date of this event TBD.
Venue / Location
Cowboys - Arlington
2540 E Abram St Arlington, Texas 76010
San Antonio Texas

Karen Miller will be teaching
Basic West Coast Swing
Starting September 4th for 4 weeks
7:00-8:30 $7 CCC members $8 Non members
This is a great class for beginner dancers or those dancers wanting to learn this very versatile dance. WC is a very popular dance in this area and around the country
Any age is welcome to take this class.
It is best to start this series in the first or second week. After that, it will be difficult to pick up the information. Shoes that slide are recommended. Tennis shoes, flip flops and high heels are not recommended. The club is closed so bring your favorite soft drink or water. Your children are welcome to come as long as they sit quiet and no running around.
Instructor: Terri Bordeaux
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