Romp to Stomp in Frisco Colorado
3k or 5k Snowshoe Walk | 3k Snowshoe Race | Lil Romper Dash
Next date of this event TBD.
Venue / Location
Frisco Nordic Center
Frisco Colorado

Celebrating 12 Years of Romping! Strap on your snowshoes for the Colorado Romp to Stomp in Frisco, Colorado --a fun, family-friendly snowshoe event that is truly in a class of its own! Try Tubbs Snowshoes on our beautiful snowshoe trails, take photos in our photo booth, pick up fun swag, enjoy FREE breakfast, high-five our fun-loving mascot TubbScout and spend a morning in the great outdoors with hundreds of your soon-to-be friends. Earn the chance to take home some awesome gear and prizes by helping Tubbs raise funds for Susan G. Komen®. Romp to Stomp participants come in all ages, genders and sizes, from the first time snowshoer to the weekend snowshoe warrior, we all have one end goal in mind – to enjoy our winter!

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