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Smoky Mountain Trout Tournament

Annual Smoky Mountain Trout Tournament

Next date of this event TBD.

Venue / Location
Pigeon River, Gatlinburg
Gatlinburg Tennessee

Contact by Phone
Smoky Mountain Trout Tournament

Don't miss out on the fun and excitement of the Smoky Mountain Trout Tournament!  Open to adults and children – and equally challenging for both visitors and locals, with multiple categories to be contested in this largest trout tournament in the Smokies.

Over 10,000 trout will be stocked in over 20 miles of streams prior to this 2-day event! Over $10,000 in cash & prizes! Don't miss out on your chance to be a part of the largest trout tournament in the Smokies!

Trout fishings need contact Rocky Top Outfitters 2611 Ruth Hall Rd. Pigeon Forge, Tennessee 37863 

Great Smoky Mountains Accommodations for Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge, Wears Valley, Douglas Lake, and Brothers Cove Tennessee.


***The traditional Trout Tournaments have been canceled since 2022, and currently we don’t know if they’ll come back. The City of Gatlinburg now hosts a one-day event on the first Saturday in April, fishing the many Gatlinburg waters

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