Beef-a-Rama is a wacky, family-friendly celebration of good food, friends and small-town America and should not be missed.
Next date of this event TBD.
Venue / Location
Minocqua Wisconsin
Beef-a-Rama is a Minocqua tradition almost 50 years old that has brought nearly 500,000 visitors to the area over the years. It is a fun-filled celebration complete with a 5K run, roast cook-offs, games, costumes, live music, a craft show, and delicious local fare to complement the ever-present beef. Each year an entire ton of beef is served to over 12,000 people during the Beef-a-Rama celebration. Participants cook their roasts in downtown Minocqua, often in teams and surrounded by live music, spectators, and various games and activities. Once the judging is finalized, there is often a beef-eating contest followed by a Parade of Roasts, complete with mini-floats featuring the roasts from the day’s cook-off. After the short parade, the roasts are sliced and sold as sandwiches until they’re gone.
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