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Seaside Beach Soccer Tournament

Seaside Beach Soccer Oregon's Original Beach Soccer Tournament

Next date of this event TBD.

Venue / Location
Seaside Beach Soccer Tournament
Seaside Beach - Oregon
Seaside Oregon

Seaside Beach Soccer Tournament

What is it?   A two-day small-sided 5v5 beach soccer tournament played in the sand with goalkeepers creating lots of shots and goals! A complimentary beach soccer clinic will be offered on the Friday evening of the tournament. What are the benefits? Every team will be guaranteed 3 games filled with lots of touches on the ball and an environment to try all your latest moves. How about the family?  The entire family is encouraged to come and enjoy the games and the beach. This is one soccer tournament you won't have to drag the siblings to. Format: Games will be 4v4 plus goalkeepers (5v5). Games will consist of three 11 minute periods with 2 minute breaks. All teams will be guaranteed 3 bracket games with the opportunity to advance to the semifinals and finals. Minimum roster count is 5 and maximum is 11; our recommendation is 7-9 players.

Beachhouse Vacation Rentals

Beachhouse Vacation Rentals

Since 2002, Beachhouse Vacation Rentals has specialized in Property Management and Vacation Property Rentals along the North Coast of Oregon in the..  learn more

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