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by Anthony Vaarwerk

Fictional Books With Places You Can Visit on Vacation

Fictional Books With Places You  Can Visit On Vacation.


Have you ever gotten lost within the pages of a book? For every avid reader, there's more to reading than simply flipping through a book and imagining Mr. Darcy's heavy gaze resting upon you. 

Many of us have dreamed of visiting the enchanting places we've read about in our favorite books. From the dark walls of Hogwarts to the magical world of Narnia, there's no dreamy location our imagination can't take us to. 

But what happens if you do want to visit these exotic places in real life? Although there's no real Hogwarts for you to visit, we've compiled a list of the best fictional places you can visit in real life during your week-long vacation. Whether you work for a college essay writing service or work shifts at McDonald's, you can always take a break from work to visit your favorite literary locations. 

So, pack your bags, strap in your favorite books, and let's get started, shall we? 


King's Cross Station 

While you can't actually visit Hogwarts, there are other locations from the Harry Potter series that you could visit, such as King's Cross Station. In the Wizarding world, students of Hogwarts can enter the secret portal by running straight through the barrier between platforms 9 and 10. Unfortunately, King's Cross Station in real life isn't as fantastical as the series makes it to be. However, you can still explore fun sights such as the Harry Potter shop that imitates Ollivander’s wand emporium. A quick word of advice: don't try running through the brick walls at King's Cross Station. There's no magical world there, and you'll only get a headache in return for your troubles. 


Bella Italia Restaurant 

Every Twilight fan definitely remembers the iconic Italian restaurant where Bella and Edward had their first date. However, just in case you don't remember, here's a tiny snippet that might just juggle your memory:

"I looked out the window to see the lights of La Bella Italia, and Jess and Angela just leaving, pacing anxiously away from us…..Are you ready to order?" she asked Edward. "Bella?" he asked. She turned unwillingly toward me. I picked the first thing I saw on the menu. "Um...I'll have the mushroom ravioli." "And you?" She turned back to him with a smile. "Nothing for me," he said. Of course not." (pp. 165, 167).

Well, the good news is that La Bella Italia doesn't just exist within the pages of a worn Twilight copy that has been read a thousand times. This restaurant actually exists and is located in Port Angeles, Washington. Bella Italia specializes in whipping up exotic Italian meals that will tantalize your taste buds, and just in case you're in the mood for a little "Twilight treat", you can order the same mushroom ravioli that Bella ordered. 


Port Angeles Washington Twilight Bella Italian


Tannen's Magic Shop

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay definitely sparked something magical in all of us. On Tommy's eleventh birthday, Tommy (who most people would describe as an odd fellow), wants something different from a normal birthday party. So Sam takes him to the public library and they eventually visit Louis Tannen's Magic Shop where they buy the Ultimate Demon Wonder Box. 
Fortunately, if you're looking to explore and experience the same frisson of excitement that Tommy felt, you can check out Louis Tannen's Magic Shop in New York. One of the oldest magic shops in New York City, this quaint store holds everything you'll need to start your magical adventure and also sponsors a summer camp for budding magicians known as Tannen's Magic Camp. So, whether you're looking to pursue a new career as a magician or want your very own copy of the Ultimate Demon Wonder Box, you can pay a visit to this quaint store the next time you're in New York City. 


The Pond in Central Park

Holden Caulfield's obsession with the ducks in The Catcher in the Rye was one of many symbolisms that represented his fear of change. In the book, we can see him asking:

"You know those ducks in that lagoon right near Central Park South? That little lake? By any chance, do you happen to know where they go, the ducks, when it gets all frozen over? Do you happen to know, by any chance?"

Well, while Holden may have been a fictional character existing in a historical drama, the little lake, a subject of his obsession, actually exists in New York City. It's located a distance away from 5th Avenue and at the Northeast end of the lake, you can find Gapstow bridge, the same area where Kevin from Home Alone meets the crazy pigeon lady. So, if you do decide to visit Central Park, you'll get to see two amazing locations that may have simmered in your imagination: the little lake and Gapstow Bridge. 


Central Park South Pond Catcher In The Rye


Final Thoughts

While the 21st century may be considered the best time period to live in, you can still take a walk through old buildings and amazing locations from your favorite historical books. So, the next time you get bored and start wondering "what book should I read next?", you should consider visiting one of these literary locations. Good Luck!

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