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Spammy Jammy


The Spammy Jammy is one of Marco Island’s most popular community events in the community of Goodland.  It introduces the summer season the only way the paradise coast of Florida knows how ... with a big party.  The Little Bar hosts the Spammy Jammy. The Little Bar Restaurant is a local landmark in the Paradise Coast. This fun beachside escape is more than just a place to get a good beer and a sandwich.

An Ohio, Couple tied the knot last week after meeting a year ago at one of Florida’s most iconic and interesting island festivals - “The Spammy Jammy”.   Randomly in a twist of fate, the two met at the yearly event and have been inseparable ever since with both saying emphatically, “It was definitely love at first sight”.

 Now, after almost a year of planning the two were hitched on the surrealistic backdrop of one of Marco Island’s most magnificently perfect island beaches.  The entire wedding party was housed in multiple vacation rental homes rather than at local Hotels and when questioned the Bride explained, “We wanted our guests to have that intimate experience and no one could have pulled this off but Clausen Properties.  She’s a Rock Star! She knew everywhere and everyone on the island to help us create this magical moment that me, my family and my new husband are grateful for.” 

Planning any event long distance is almost impossible – especially a wedding.  Multiple guests flying in from different areas all having unique needs and tastes makes renting a vacation home accommodation through a “Big Brand” website nearly impossible.  However, when you book direct by finding a Vacation Rental Management Company on a Book Direct, no booking fee website like, you not only get what you see in a picture from some random website, what you are really doing is tapping into all of the local knowledge that only a local property Manager could possibly provide.   So, next time you are thinking of planning an event out of town don’t forget to book directly with a local Property Manager.  It will make the difference in your guests experience between awful and awesome!

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