SeaBreeze Vacation on Anna Maria Island Florida in Anna Maria, Holmes Beach, and Bradenton Beach!

Seabreeze Vacation

SeaBreeze Vacation has experience in the local market that spans the last 15 years on Anna Maria Island. Vacation rental accommodations in Anna Maria, Holmes Beach, Bradenton Beach, and more. Anna Maria Island became our Happy Place when we first visited from the UK in 2001. Purchasing our first vacation property in 2002 and visiting up to six times a year, we were hooked. We made the move in 2011 with our two children and have never looked back. We are proud to be U.S. Citizens and to call Florida our Happy Place home!

We treat every guest and owner the way we would want to be treated. Having been a guest and an owner for many years, we use our experience to offer a unique experience. The entire team at SeaBreeze Vacation goes the extra mile to ensure every vacation is relaxing.

We offer a range of concierge services; we can provide a licensed babysitting service so you can enjoy a night out, pre-arrival grocery shopping so you have the necessities or a full shop waiting when you arrive. We will also arrange for your rental needs from additional beach equipment, baby equipment to a golf cart to get you around the island.

If you are looking for a romantic getaway in a one-bedroom property, a small family vacation in a two- or three-bedroom property or a multi-family, multi-generation vacation in a larger 4 or more bedroom property, or looking to bring the dog or need an elevator, we have a vacation rental property for you.

Call or email us when planning your vacation or if you have any questions regarding the Anna Maria Island area, a property, our services, to reserve, or to request a quote.

Company Overview

Seabreeze Vacation
In Business Since 2011
5372 Gulf Drive
Holmes Beach Florida 34217

* Trusted Find Rentals Member Since May 2018

Interested in Booking a Vacation Rental with Seabreeze Vacation?

SeaBreeze Vacation Anna Maria Island Florida Bridge To Paradise


Property Management from SeaBreeze Vacation

SeaBreeze Vacation will reduce your costs, increase your return on investment while removing the stress!  We cover the small things that need to be replaced on a regular basis including, light bulbs, batteries, A/C Filters, etc are all replaced at no additional charge.  We also pressure wash and steam clean your outside trash cans every month. Every three months our maintenance team will carry out a 120 point inspection of your property checking the home from top to bottom. In addition, if the property is vacant for 14 days our maintenance team will carry out our pre-stay 20 point inspection.  We treat every property as if it were our own. 

The team at SeaBreeze Vacation has developed a range of management packages allowing us to manage your property your way. We have worked to overcome the challenges of vacation property ownership.  If you are looking for a full management company, someone local to support your guests, or a custom package, we have a management option for you.

Free Vacation Rental Property Evaluation


SeaBreeze Vacation Anna Maria Island Florida

Vacation Rentals from Seabreeze Vacation

Swanky Bubbles
Home in Holmes Beach Florida
9 Beds • 9 Full Baths • Sleeps 18
Seabreeze Vacation
Private Heated Pool and Spa
Home in Anna Maria Florida
9 Beds • 8 Full Baths • Sleeps 8
Seabreeze Vacation
Heated Pool & Spa
Home in Anna Maria Florida
9 Beds • 8 Full Baths • Sleeps 8
Seabreeze Vacation
On The Rocks
Home in Bradenton Beach Florida
8 Beds • 8 Full Baths • Sleeps 18
Seabreeze Vacation
Beachfront Heated Pool & Spa
Home in Bradenton Beach Florida
8 Beds • 6 Full Baths • Sleeps 18
Seabreeze Vacation
Pool and Spa
Home in Bradenton Beach Florida
8 Beds • 5 Full Baths • Sleeps 18
Seabreeze Vacation

Need a Company to Manage Your Vacation Property?

Looking to have your vacation property managed by a professional rental management company? You have come to the right place.

If you own a vacation property in Bradenton Beach, Holmes Beach, Anna Maria, Bradenton or the surrounding areas and are interested in hiring a professional management company, you can contact Seabreeze Vacation to help you.

Seabreeze Vacation Reviews

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